Executive Committee Submits Updated Budget for Approval

A note from Board President Lauren Waterman -

At the 4/17 PTA Board Meeting, we had a thoughtful discussion around auctions as a fundraising method and reflected on the budget draft at that time, which did not plan for the PTA to conduct an auction next school year. Instead, we were planning to hold a larger party without a fundraising component, dubbed a “parent social.” We took into consideration the PTA’s recent Engagement Survey - in which a majority of parents were eager to see an auction return - and many recent discussions around having an auction that can be more accessible and equitable. Following the Board meeting, the Executive Committee of the PTA determined to hold an auction as one of its fundraisers for the 2023-2024 school year, requiring changes to the budget.

We are excited to announce the following changes to the budget now being presented for a vote at our General Meeting:

  • Replaced “The Big Give” - a fall fundraising drive - with a fall auction

  • Amended the proposed budget to change this “parent social” to an auction

With this we are excited to announce Alison Giger and Cat Pagoaga as the auction chairs!

The proposed budget is available here. This budget proposal replaces the one sent out a week prior.

We will be voting on this budget tomorrow, Tuesday, 4/25 at 6:30pm at the PTA Spring General meeting. Those who come are welcome to join the PTA after for a drink with us!  

If you have any questions please contact me, Lauren Waterman @ laurenwaterman104@gmail.com

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