Welcome, Wedgwood Staff!

Bookmark this page for PTA resources for staff.

  • Calendar| If you would like to add an event to the PTA calendar, email news@wedgwoodpta.org.

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Support| The Wedgwood PTA provides funds to support diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the school. Contact dei@wedgwoodpta.org if you have a project or initiative in need of funding that supports DEI efforts. Meet the board to see who this year’s lead is.

  • Funds for Staff| The Wedgwood PTA has established a process to make funds available to staff at Wedgwood Elementary via stipends and grants. These funds will support activities and projects that align with the PTA’s mission and vision. Funds are intended to be used for classroom supplies and short-term projects designed to positively impact the students and families at Wedgwood Elementary. If your class/work has a recurring financial need, contact the PTA treasurer to see if this may be added to the budget or if other funds are available.

  • Meetings| You’re invited! PTA board meetings are open to all. Email president@wedgwoodpta.org if you would like to be added to the agenda.

  • Membership| Join the PTA! Help the Wedgwood PTA help you. We need staff input to understand how we can best support Wedgwood Elementary. Anyone can join the PTA! We particularly encourage school staff to join, and make their voice heard. Any PTA member, including school staff members, may vote on PTA issues. All members are expected to follow the PTA’s Conflict of Interest of Policy.

  • Movie License| Wedgwood PTA is excited to partner with Swank Movie Licensing USA to bring movie licensing to Wedgwood PTA and Wedgwood Elementary through the Washington State PTA. This license applies to media only shown on school grounds. A movie license is required anytime you show a film outside of your home, such as on school property. It is required whether or not an admission or donation is accepted. These movies are covered under the license. Recommended movies.

  • Newsletter| Staff are welcome to post announcements to The Wedgwood Weekly, the PTA newsletter. It is sent weekly during the school year and a few weeks before school starts. | Submit a Wedgwood Weekly Announcement | Subscribe to the Wedgwood Weekly.

  • Reimbursement Form| Submit the PTA Reimbursement Form along with receipts.

  • Room Parent Lead & Staff Liaison| Our liaison (roomparent@wedgwoodpta.org) is here to help you! This position is a point person for all of your PTA questions. This position also helps coordinate room parents. Meet the board to see who this year’s lead is.

  • Scholarships | The PTA has scholarships available to subsidize or cover the cost of student-related activities. If you have a student in need of a scholarship, contact the school nurse. All inquiries are confidential.

  • Volunteers| If you would like volunteers in the school building during the school day, they must be approved by the district. Approval may take several weeks, so encourage potential volunteers to start the process early. If you need help with volunteers, contact the Events & Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@wedgwoodpta.org. Meet the board to see who this year’s lead is.

Any additional questions or concerns? Contact the room parent lead, who is is liaison for all school staff.